- Is Ecosia legit or a scam?
- Does Ecosia really plant all those trees?
- Ecosia vs Google
- Ecosia Privacy
- How to Uninstall Ecosia
- Conclusion on Ecosia as a Search Engine
What is the Ecosia browser?
A few weeks ago a Dutch friend of mine introduced me to Ecosia, the Berlin-based social enterprise eco search engine that uses their profits to plant trees (that’s a mouthful).
The idea immediately clicked with me for a few reasons I’ll discuss below.
Ecosia has a model that’s ripe to explode with a millennial generation that truly does care about how sustainable their products are. Unfortunately projects that set out to do great for the world often receive criticism, and the Ecosia search engine won’t be immune.
There were two major things that I wanted to learn about Ecosia:
- Is Ecosia legit? Or is it a scam?
- Does it work as well as Google?
Let’s make legitimacy the first thing we look at in this Ecosia critique because that’s the most important part.
Is Ecosia legit or a scam?
There are a few things that come to mind that they could be doing to try to mislead users if they wanted to, such as:
- Not planting the trees they claim to
- Collecting user data to resell or other privacy issues
- Offering misleading search results for their gain
- Monitoring your data illegally with their browser extension
I think the big concern here is that they might not be planting the trees they claim to be. In 2019 Ecosia claims to have surpassed 65 million trees planted.
While this is well shy of the ~1.5 trillion trees that experts say are needed to offset the carbon we’ve added to the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution, it’s still nothing to laugh at. Ecosia after all is still a pretty small company with roughly 8 million users (although this is growing really fast).
As far as the misleading search results or collecting data go, this isn’t really something we can test. But given the track record of the team at Ecosia I’m pretty confident they aren’t out to scam people.
Ecosia does however get criticism from a few sites online, including an article from 2Spyware claiming that Ecosia is a browser-hijacker, and borderline virus.
While you can’t really dispute the claims made by 2Spyware, just keep in mind that literally everything they criticize about Ecosia is also true for Google, Bing, Yahoo, and any other search engine you use.
They claim that Ecosia may hijack your search results and place ads in them… ummm yeah that’s exactly the point, we’re trying to pay for trees here! But they do it in no way different than when Google places ads in your search results, Google just dishes out the profits to their investors instead of planting trees.
They even go as far as to say “getting rid of the Ecosia virus”, which is just absurd to me. I have a feeling this article was written by someone who hasn’t ever used Ecosia and was directed to write about Ecosia being a virus to get the search traffic.
While I do think those accusations against Ecosia aren’t based on rationality, I also have to acknowledge that they could be true, just like Google could be a virus.
My advice is to check out the Ecosia team and see if these are folks you’re willing to trust with your online data. Personally, I’m not concerned about an ecosia.org virus.
Is Ecosia fake?
Quite a few people have written in and asked if Ecosia is downright fake. A lot are even curious if there’s an Ecosia Snopes article to verify their claims. I’m doing my best to fill those shoes and more in this article.
Usually it comes back down to the four points I had listed above, but many who write in aren’t even sure if the extension is going to work properly. You’ll see in the coming paragraphs that of anything you can say about Ecosia, their product is definitely real, so I think we can lay that one to rest.
Does Ecosia Really Plant All Those Trees?
I can point you to two different resources for this. The first one is their financial reports, and the second is their tree projects. The financial reports will have to be taken at face value as Ecosia is not a public company, there is no Ecosia stock, or all the auditing and regulation that comes with it.
Ecosia Financial Reports
Update August 2019: This article was originally written in March 2018 so I’m updating the financial report as they have grown from investing €421,370 per month to a whopping €815,378 per month in July 2019 (nearly $1,000,000 per month on trees!).
Looking through the past 4 years of financial reports looks to be quite consistent. Don’t let the fact that €815,378 is only 52% of their monthly revenue of €1,567,995 fool you into thinking that they aren’t honoring their pledge to use 80% of profits to plant trees, you have to subtract out the expenses before making the calculation.
So basically:€1,567,995 – (€475,862 + €78,465) = €1,013,668 (Revenue – (Operating Costs + Spreading the Word) = Total Profit)
Then take €815,378 / €1,013,668 = .8044 or 80.44% (Tree Planting Spend / Total Profit = % of Profit Spent on Tree Planting)
So this means in July Ecosia claims to have spent slightly more than their goal on planting trees. They’re also being smart and packing away a significant amount of money for the future — with a reserve of €198,290 — because they’ve got a new initiative to make bigger investments like the solar plant in
Remember though, this is a self reported breakdown that as far as I can tell has not been independently audited. How do we actually know if Ecosia is planting these trees or not?
Tree Projects Supported by Ecosia
From what I’ve been able to find Ecosia is currently supporting projects in the following countries around the world:
- Peru
- Brazil
- Madagascar
- Nicaragua
- Haiti
- Colombia
- Spain
- Morocco
- Senegal
- Burkina Faso
- Ghana
- Ethiopia
- Uganda
- Kenya
- Tanzania
- Indonesia
Ecosia sent me the countries above in May 2015 as the complete list where their projects are. Hopefully they’ll keep sending updates as they come. You can also check out Ecosia’s tree projects blog to see some really cool content about what they’re doing with the money. The Tanzania post has some really cool footage!
I’ve also received quite a few messages from readers that are involved in Ecosia’s reforestation projects. Not that this couldn’t be faked, but they all seem very real.
I would love it if someone working with Ecosia would send some pictures from the front lines that I can put in this article. If that’s you, send me a message.
How does Ecosia make money?
Ecosia makes money in the same way that Google’s search engine makes money, through search engine ads. I say search engine because Google makes money hand-over-fist in a ton of other ways beyond its core search engine product.
So this means if you search for local plumbers on Ecosia and click one of the advertised services, 80% of the amount that the plumber pays for that ad will go to planting trees (after deducting expenses as pointed out by Lee in the comments), pretty cool huh??
One of the reasons I’m pretty excited for the future of Ecosia is because as of now it’s only a simple search engine and it’s making a pretty decent chunk of profit, imagine if they create a display ad network, video platform (like YouTube), data & cloud services, and everything else Google does. Ecosia could single handedly plant all the trees that the earth needs, and maybe even move on to support other good causes as well.
Ecosia vs Google
**UPDATE: Ecosia now has some cool shortcuts as pointed out by Felix in the comments. If you type in #g after your search it will take you straight to Google, #fb takes you straight to a Facebook search, #yt for YouTube, etc. You can see the full list of shortcuts on Ecosia’s support page on search tags.**
So there are a variety of ways to compare the two services. I’ll break it down into two main parts: utility and user experience. I want to make sure I’m setting realistic expectations here. Google is the 8 gazillion pound gorilla in the room. They’ve spent billions of dollars over more than 20 years making the best search tools imaginable.
We simply can’t expect Ecosia.org to outperform Google in just about anything besides doing amazing things for our planet by planting trees (although they do win at one other thing, check it out below).
What I’m saying is let’s keep in mind that the main goal is to do good for the planet, and find what level of sacrifice we’re willing to endure to make that happen.
Also, keep in mind that Ecosia does have a development team so their search engine should only improve with time. I wouldn’t expect it to ever beat Google unless there’s a sudden mass migration to the eco-friendly search engine, but maybe the sacrifices will diminish.
Lastly, Ecosia is built on top of the Microsoft Bing search engine so you’ll find that many of the core limitations of Ecosia are actually limitations of Bing.
Alright so let’s start off with the utility of Ecosia.org vs Google.com.
Utility of Ecosia vs Google
This is all about how much time each search engine is able to save and the quality of information delivered. Do you have to click through to an article to find out what time a show is at or will it be delivered in rich snippet like Google often does? Are relevant results being shown?
Let’s take a peek at what Ecosia is capable of. I think literally everyone reading this is familiar with Google so I’ll mostly only provide images of Ecosia unless the comparison makes sense.
Unit Conversions
One of those things that I’ve really come to take for granted with Google is being able to quickly rattle off one unit and ask for another. Ecosia does a decent job at this. They’ve got most of the basic conversions, like inches to centimeters:
Distance Calculation
As a frequent traveler I use this feature a lot. Unfortunately Ecosia isn’t able to calculate simple distances in the search engine results page (SERP) yet. This is a pretty big bummer:
Ecosia Maps
Currently when you want to use the maps feature on Ecosia.org it will take you straight to Google Maps. In my eyes this is way better than trying to hack together some in-house solution that really doesn’t work well (looking at you Apple).
I wouldn’t even dock them any points for this because they send you to the best service available and there isn’t much lag time in the redirect.
Here’s another area where Ecosia is trailing behind Google. I love how when I google a single word Google seems to know if I’m searching for a definition. I tried typing in “social enterprise” and “define social enterprise” and neither of them brought up that incredibly useful rich snippet definition that I’ve taken for granted on Google.
Then take a look at what happens if you type the same search in on Google. You don’t have to click through to get the full definition. Often times the rich snippet on Google is even better than this one, saving you from having to click through to another page:
You also get that awesome frequently asked questions box with Google, I haven’t seen that at all in Ecosia.
User Experience of Ecosia vs Google
As much as I love what Google is able to do, I have to admit over the last year or two I’ve been getting increasingly frustrated with how aggressive they’re getting with their advertising. I’m a digital marketer by day so I saw first hand the effect of Google’s rollout of the Local Service ads last summer.
Basically they introduced an entirely extra set of ads when someone searches for local service providers, they just package them in a cute new way:
Notice anything funny about that page? Literally everything that shows up on the screen when searching for a local service provider is a paid advertisement. Then, you scroll down and see the map with listings below it which are NOT paid, but still not totally organic results (you have to register with Google to be in this). Only when you scroll down to practically the bottom of the page do you see organic search results.
Compare this to Ecosia when searching for a local service provider:
I mean there are still a lot of ads. But at least I can see some results that weren’t paid to be placed. This seems like a fundamental freedom of using the internet. I understand that Google’s search engine is a product provided by a company and they’re free to do whatever they want with it, but honestly I think that they’re pushing it too far with this.
How can they claim that they’re following their mission statement to..
“Organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”
Ecosia Privacy
A lot of people seem to be asking about this recently. To me that’s good news. It means more and more people are waking up to the fact that we need to take some action for the environment and do something simple like use an alternative search engine.
I’ve read through Ecosia’s privacy policy quite in-depth and have found:
- nothing that isn’t standard in privacy policies
- a lot less scary stuff than Google has
I will say — you aren’t getting the same kind of pro-privacy with Ecosia as you would with something like DuckDuckGo — but for me it’s a happy middle ground. Your tolerance will vary based on how hardcore you are for protecting your online privacy.
How to Uninstall Ecosia Extension
As great as Ecosia’s mission is to solve many of the world’s greatest problems by planting trees funded with search revenue, it’s understandable that for some the convenience of Google’s advanced features will prevail. If this is you, then have no fear because it’s pretty easy to uninstall Ecosia at any time.
Assuming you’ve installed the Ecosia extension on Google Chrome follow these instructions:
- Go to the drop down menu with three dots in the top right of the browser
- Hover over More Tools
- Click on Extensions
- Find the Ecosia extension and either click the toggle switch to deactivate it, or Delete to completely uninstall it
That’s it, now you’ve uninstalled the Ecosia.org extension and all your settings will go back to what they were before. Hopefully you’ll reconsider in the future for the sake of the planet :)
Conclusion on Ecosia Search Engine
As of now Ecosia falls short of Google in certain areas. The question of whether or not it’s still worth using Ecosia will depend on your level of dedication to protecting the environment. Eventually we as a society will have to begin making lifestyle compromises if we don’t want our grandchildren to end up living in climate controlled glass bubbles.
What I’ve decided to do is have Ecosia as the default and if it doesn’t give me the results I’m looking for I just use the awesome shortcuts pointed out by Felix in the comments.
I’m really hoping that Ecosia builds out some new features in the coming years so I won’t even have to think about Google though.
I worry that if a person isn’t willing to have a little sacrifice in the utility of their search engine for the sake of the environment, are they willing to sacrifice anything?
Join 8+ million of us saving the world with Ecosia:
**FYI -- this link has patharoundtheworld in it but it is NOT an affiliate link, I do not earn anything for you installing. Ecosia simply gave me the link so I could know how many trees this article has helped plant.
Really useful! Nice to know that such a simple switch will improve the planet. Let’s give it a go!
Thanks for this great article! I read somewhere that Ecosia uses the search engine of Bing, which is not entirely powered by green energy. It still plants trees though. Google, on the other hand, is powered entirely by green energy. Is this true?
Hey! I recently came across Ecosia and downloaded it because who doesn’t want to help the environment right? But before i could share this, I had to be sure of its legitimacy. Once I started digging into this, I found out that bing/microsoft uses 44% renewable energy vs. 100% of google. Also that the money generated by Ecosia for reforestation is ad generated, and since I and a lot of other people use ad-blockers, it wouldn’t really be effective? I’m still trying to figure out if 56% nonrenewable energy and 64 million trees is better than 100% renewable energy. I studied further into this and found out that our current world needs plantation of 1 trillion trees to cut 2/3 of carbon emission produced since industrial revolution however more trees wouldn’t be of any good unless we cut down CO2 emission. I’ll provide the sources that helped me get a clearer perspective on this. I’m still on the fence about using Ecosia – in the meantime I’ll continue using google.
P.s- anyone who can help me out with this more, do comment.
” including an article from 2Spyware claiming that Ecosia is a browser-hijacker, and borderline virus.”
FYI 2spyware.com is very likely to be a scam itself. I’m used to spot them now, they look all the same. First of all, the design is very unprofessional. It looks like they stole some images and colour from other websites here and there and patched them together.
2nd, the threatening tone everywhere “you are in danger, you’re infected, virus causes death!”
3rd, the usual sentence : “[insert here the names of any common software, virus and non-virus alike] is a virus, here how to remove it”
4, the “method” to remove is a spyware is to download their miraculous software. How convenient! They can remove millions of different virus with just one software of 500 kbytes ! (sarcasm).
How about I check their “reimagerepair.exe” on virustotal?
This was a great article, thank you. you write very well and clearly and addressed all the points I wanted to hear more about!
Thanks for an excellent article. It inspired me to re-install the extension. I’m glad to know there’s a way around going dual-browser too (with the google.com + search bit — Many thanks for that, Rory). I write an ethnobotany blog (linked) and am immensely glad to see the Ecosia extension doing so well. :)
Thank you for the great article.
Just another tipp:
If you tipe in #g after the search query in the ecosia search, it will transfer your request straightly to Google.
Same goes for #w for wikipedia, #m for GMaps and #yt for Youtube.
Pretty neat feature, if you ask me :)
Really cool Felix I didn’t know you could do that! I wish I had a way to pin this comment to the top so everyone could see it, I’ll just add it in to the article.
Easy way to have Ecosia the default but still have easy google access is to set your home button to “google.com”!
Thank you, Nick. I was reading about Ecosia on twitter – it looked very positive – your information has answered my questions and doubts. It is a good addition to the computer world.
Glad you enjoyed it Louise, I hope Ecosia works well for you.
Thanks for your helpful review Nick! I am using Ecosia for sometime already, but sometimes the search results are not that extensive as Google. Now I understand the clue, so will use Ecosia more consistenly. And that tip about #g after the search query in the ecosia search is really cool. Thanks!
The shortcuts are definitely a game-changer, thanks to Felix for sharing that. Really useful shortcut for everyone!
Thanks for the great article, I will definitely check it out. Also, I run a website and will look into potentially buying ads from Ecosia, not sure if anyone has experience with that. I’m assuming ads are cheaper than Google.
I’d appreciate any suggestions.
I thought about that at one point. I think the search volume is going to be really low though. I bet it’d be good for green/environment preservation products/services.
Let us know how it goes!
Charlotte from Ecosia here. Great to read your article and feedback. This is really valuable to us. We are definitely planting those trees and working hard this year to share more tree planting data with you.
Here a list of all search tags that can be used on Ecosia
And something about advertising on Ecosia:
Let’s plant more trees!
Hey Charlotte! Thanks for dropping in with the extra information. I’m glad Ecosia’s had a look at the review, and hopefully read some of the readers’ comments as well to get their feedback.
I’m going to shoot you an email to see if we can do something together to improve the article further.
Hey. I wanted give chances to Ecosia to address my researches, but, after a few weeks, I realized the Bing algorithms are just bad, and give poor results. The problem is Google is customise the experience of search based on our profile, and I have no problem about this, because it give me the results I was waiting for.
In the other side, I never succeeded to find my precise searches to Bing/Ecosia, and I’ll never recommand it. Just compare and switched in between, Google is so far the best user-experience and give the best results in my opinion.
Also, I uninstalled Ecosia extension, I removed from “Search engine” in Google Chrome, but when I type “meteo” in my url bar, it continues to move in Ecosia by default to do my search. And clearly, I hate that. They must remove totally their modifications from the browser and restore the previous one, and I shouldn’t have any Ecosia after uninstall. But, this is not the case at all, just like any adwares, even if this is not one, of course. So for me, its a bad experience, even if I appreciate their goal.
Thanks for the article!
I have been using Ecosia for more than 2 years. Highly recommend it. Yes, sometimes (about once per week) I need to use the gogole lord for a more specific search…
But I would rather help a noble cause when I search internet rather than financing those giant monsters.
According to the counter on my Ecosia main page, I planted more than 3000 trees… Yes, I am proud of that.
Congrats! 3000 trees is an insane impact on the environment, more than just about anyone short of a farmer could do on their own. Keep up the good work!
I think you’re referring to the total searches counter, not the trees planted. I cannot find anywhere on the Ecosia home where it tells you how many trees you have planted. To be fair it is misleading to an extent, in that it has a trees icon next to it, making it the natural thing to assume it is trees planted by you.
However, if you hover over it, the description of the counter is :
“This is the number of searches you have performed with Ecosia. On average you need around 45 searches to plant a tree!”
Nick, my daughter recently got me switched on to Ecosia, and I’m very supportive of the concept, but when I checked my browser preferences I found that in addition to sending all searches to Ecosia, it automatically gave the extension permission to view passwords, credit card numbers and other critical data, which I am not OK with at all and does not seem right for a social enterprise. I’ve since uninstalled it. Any experience/views on this?
Ecosia filled my mac with Malware. I uninstalled it and did lengthy clean up job.
Could you expand on this Claire? Such a brief and accusing reply comes off as a spammy accusation without more detail. Would love to see any data/evidence you have to back up this claim, I’m sure readers would love to learn more about your experience as well!
Hi Nick. This sounds like an easy way of making a difference for the climate. Reviews like this makes it easier to distinguish scams from the real deal so thank you
I have a question you might be able to answer:
When I use #g to receive google results do Ecosia then get the revenue or will google get them in that example?
I don’t know the answer to that! Ecosia pops in to this article once in a while so hopefully they’ll see this and answer.
My guess is that the revenue goes to Google. Remember though, the only way anyone will get revenue is if you actually click one of the ads at the top & bottom of the results.
I’d like to know more about the types of the trees that have been planted and their fates. Is there someone tending them, watering them? Have they been planted in suitable areas? Will they wilt and die, or over-compete with indigenous trees? Are they useful and viable trees, or just scraggly weed trees? Too often people think of planting a tree, or a garden, as the end of the story. It is generally more complicated and labour-intensive than that. I have seen pictures of dead trees which had been planted as carbon offsets and then just left without proper aftercare.
This is a great question as well. I want to assume that with proper planning this isn’t a concern. If trees are planted in the right environment they shouldn’t need much care.
With that said I know some of the places they’re planting trees are pretty harsh environments so I could definitely see that being a concern.
Hopefully someone from Ecosia will pop in again and expand on how the trees are cared for.
Another area where Ecosia falls short compared to Google is language options. Of course, you can search and receive results in any language as long as you can type in it, but you don’t get the extra functionality that comes with the engine having that language built in. For example, if I need/want to search something in Japanese, I still get Japanese results but I don’t get news stories or quick wikipedia summaries on the side. They still have 7 built-in language options, which is impressive, but they are all European. It’s a lot to ask that they stand up to Google’s universal applicability and all the functions Google offers, but I hope they will be able to expand their language options in the future as well.
That’s a good point. And you’re right, when you get into advanced technology like this there’s just no way a company the size of Ecosia is going to stand up against Google at this point.
It’s kind of like DuckDuckGo vs Google, you’re not using DuckDuckGo because it’s an overall superior tool to Google. You’re using it because you value privacy over having the most powerful search engine at your finger tips.
Thanks for the honest review, ill be switching asap.
Thank you so much for this article! As a frequent user of Ecosia, this answered my questions about how the engine works. I’m happy that you took the time to write this, Thank You!
Thanks for sharing this article. I was doubtful about sharing the Ecosia extension among my friends but you made me be sure. Obviously Google has a long path walked already, but we should encourage everyone to support the companies that are doing something good for our planet.
Greetings from Venezuela.
Ecosia has been used to hijack browsers. And I don’t mean they place ads in search results. Even when I tried to use google instead and get rid of Ecosia, it wouldn’t go. Everything I typed into the search bar after I’d set my search engine back to google, Ecosia hijacked. It took over a day to remove and I’m not even sure I got rid of all of it. I had to change all my passwords and set up 2 step verification for everything just in case. And it infected the other browsers on our computer too. I’m not sure whether Ecosia is just a search engine that someone else hacked/used to be able to hijack browsers so they can get hold of the personal and private information of people who downloaded it or if the company themselves are suspicious. When I initially started using it, it just seemed like a search engine until The browser hijacking started. I would be careful completely dispelling what people have said about the safety and security concerns and proclaiming it as a normal safe search engine universally, because although I understand that has been your experience, people have had legitimate infections from downloading it, and after reading your article that is dismissive of other people’s concerns and experiences, it might put them at risk of assuming it is universally safe and downloading it and having the same nightmare I had with it. I couldn’t sleep because I was so worried about how easily it could access all my confidential information after infecting my browser, such as bank details and address, my name, contact details that they could possibly sell etc. Anyone reading this I thought it was a great idea as well when I downloaded it but honestly I would stay on the safe side and avoid it. I know it’s not just my experience either as I have seen other people say they experienced the same thing. Please be careful, safe and secure online.
Hi Kevin,
This is the first first-hand report I’ve heard of any actual hijacky/virusy behavior. Could you please elaborate on what happened? Did you get any screen recordings or screenshots of what happened?
I’m sure the Ecosia team would be interested to learn about any buggy behavior. All my conversations with them gave me no impression whatsoever that they are doing anything hacky whatsoever, so would love to hear more about your experience.
I had the similar problem with Bing in the past and I have never tried to use Bing for that reason since. I never tried to use Ecosia btw, I am here to learn more about it as it seems like an easy (maybe too easy) way to help. I am not even sure if the problems reported above are the same but it does feel like it. The reason why I replied is because the problem might come from Microsoft (it wouldn’t be surprising), Ecosia could be blamed for it and maybe it’s not even under their control. I am no computer or networking genius. I wouldn’t say it’s a virus, it just seems that it’s a bit intrusive or deeply installed onto one’s computer. When comes the time to uninstall it, it’s not that easy. You could try to use it on a least preferred browser first, that way, if you don’t like Ecosia, the problem of uninstalling it wouldn’t affect your main browser (used to work when I had problems with Bing before).
Btw, thank you Nick for the review. One way to find out of they are legit would be to verify organizations they are “partner” with, in other words, contacting them and asking these organizations if Ecosia is really helping them. Also doing a separated search on all the organizations receiving money from Ecosia and see if they are themselves legit (starting with this might be a better idea).
Brilliant. Thank you for doing this. Legend-wait for it-dary.
Glad you enjoyed it Simone!
Thanks for the review of ecosia. I have a question about the tree counter on the main page, where it seems to be adding trees at a regular interval (about 0.9 trees per second). Is this the average based on the number of searches over a specified time period, meaning that over time as more people use this search engine it will increase at a higher rate? Just curious and seriously considering switching to this search engine.
Hey Mike — glad you liked the review. This is me taking a stab at it, but that’s almost certainly just a smoothed out counter based on the amount of trees planted monthly or something of the sort.
Hope you switched over, the world is really needing some trees right now with these Amazon fires!
great article, thanks for sharing your knowledge.it has made me chooose ecosia over googe because i am uneasy about the data sharing
Good to hear. The point was recently brought up about the privacy differences. That’s something I hope we’ll get some clarification on soon to answer some people’s questions.